The following radiographic risk guidelines have been created and are used by the Auckland Vets when interpreting and reporting on repository radiographs.
Low Risk - No or very minor radiographic changes that are unlikely to be of significance for future racing.
Low to Moderate Risk - Minor radiographic changes that are unlikely to affect future racing, or with treatment have a good prognosis.
Moderate Risk - radiographic changes that may require treatment or may delay and/or shorten the longevity of the horse’s racing career.
Moderate to High Risk- radiographic changes that will likely affect the horse’s ability to be trained and its racing career longevity.
High Risk - radiographic changes that are highly likely to cause lameness and will affect the horse's ability to be trained and to race.
The significance of radiographic changes are more difficult to predict, compared to yearlings. This is largely due to their immaturity and the potential for healing or development of other lesions.
Low Risk - No or very minor radiographic changes that are unlikely to be of significance for resale or future racing.
Moderate Risk - radiographic changes that may require treatment or affect a horse’s future resale or future racing potential.
High Risk - radiographic changes that are likely to require treatment and significantly affect resale and racing potential.