Pre-sale radiographic examination of weanlings and yearlings has become an accepted standard in the Thoroughbred industry. Radiographic studies including 36 views are obtained within six weeks of the sale date and are submitted to the repository of the sales company for viewing by registered veterinarians prior to auction.
Auckland Veterinary Centre prides itself in the providing the highest quality sales radiographs possible. Our radiographs complement the time and effort that goes into preparation of the sales yearling or weanling. High quality digital radiographs are essential to facilitate veterinarians in the repository making an accurate and quick interpretation.
Conversely, poor quality radiographs often cause misinterpretation and confusion which may adversely impact on the sale of a yearling.
Our experienced veterinarains provide the vendor with detailed and accurate reports that include an indication of RISK for sale or racing. Without compromising the accuracy of our interpretation, we aim to provide these reports within 5 days of the radiographs being obtained. These confidential reports help the vendor have confidence in their decision to offer the horse for sale.