
Foal Conformation Assessment

Growing horses, from newborn foals through to yearlings, can be subject to both angular (eg. Knock knee or pigeon toe) and flexural (eg. club foot or slack pasterns) conformational variations. Depending on the age and the intended use of the horse, we can work together as a team of farriers, veterinarians and specialist surgeons to develop a treatment plan for the growing horse to help meet your goals. Whether your goal is to be the top sale horse at the Thoroughbred yearling sales or a show pony with the conformation the judge is looking for or the dressage horse with a conformation that promotes long term soundness, we can develop a plan for your horse.

Auckland Equine Performance Vets

We are a well-established equine practice servicing South Auckland and the greater Auckland area. With our purpose-built hospital and surgical facilities our experienced staff are able to provide quality care with a full range of medical, diagnostic and surgical services.